
Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. Wellness is a direction in progress toward an ever-higher potential of functioning. Wellness programs attempt to facilitate life improvements though recommending positive lifestyle changes. Wellness programs are often pursued by people seeking recovery from an illness or specific health condition or by those interested in improving their overall health.

Why we need wellness

The hectic pace of life today, coupled with irregular eating & sleeping habits, tough working conditions, competitive atmosphere at work, and lack of time for oneself all lead to stress. Continuous exposure to stress predisposes a person to a number of health problems. From common cold to cancer almost all diseases commonly seen today are either caused by stress or are aggravated by it.

We are also exposed to a number of toxic substances through food, water and air. These toxins accumulate in the body and overtime cause damage to the body and mind. Sleep, one of the most important pillars of health is also often disturbed or inadequate, leading to loss of energy and vitality, reduction in immunity and faulty repair of the body and mind.

The process of ageing is accelerated by the action of these factors and the different parts of the body start getting into wear and tear earlier than they normally would. Postural issues related to work and lack of exercises further aggravate the situation leading to aches and pains in different parts of the body.

The health gradient gradually is on a downward slide without one getting any inkling of it!

But the good news is that, it can be prevented  

Ayurveda, offers a comprehensive solution to the problems of this nature. A number of extremely relaxing therapies, detoxification programs and rejuvenating therapies that are described in the traditional Indian system of healing are practiced in AyurRemedy. The experienced Ayurvedic Physicians craft exquisite programs that are meticulously rendered by the trained team of  therapists at AyurRemedy.

These programs comprise of series of therapies done in a step-by-step manner, over different periods of time as a process which can enable one to attain the desired results. Various modes of combining the therapies with modifications to the duration, number of sessions, the intensity of the therapy, the medicaments used etc offer the experienced Ayurvedic Physicians with innumerable options. Thereby one could achieve the desired results through many different modes. At AyurRemedy we offer our clients with a whole range of programs to suit their needs and convenience.